On November 14, 2022 we ordered 2 crock pots through Amazon Brazil. Cost: $133 each. Expected delivery date: mid-December. We watched as our purchase worked its way through the system. About mid-December it appeared they had made it to Brazil but we weren't sure. However, we began receiving notices that if our order didn't arrive by the mid-December date we could cancel the order and request a refund. That was a worisome notification! Then, about December 15th, we received notification that our crock pots had indeed arrived in Brazil and were being held ransome - awaiting payment of shipping fees. Another worisome notification.
Time was spent reading through the notification determining what the fees were and how to pay them. With fear and trepidation we opened the document to determine the shipping/processing fees. To our great relief the fees were only $3!! WhooHoo.
Now we had to register with some government agency and wait for them to accept our registration. We received notification a couple of days later that our registration was accepted. Next task? Find a bank where we could pay the fees then wait for the government to recognize and accept the payment. That also took a couple of days.
About December 21st we were notified that our crock pots were released for shipment and were in Curitiba, Brazil (about a 6-hour plane ride from Sao Paulo. Yipee! When would they arrive? The next day? By Christmas? Digging deeper into the paperwork and asking questions of those who had experience with this process we were told that shipping from Curitiba to Sao Paulo takes anywhere from 12-40 days!!! So, maybe by Valentine's Day 2023 our crock pots will arrive.